What makes a trade show booth stand out from all the others? How can you stand apart from the usual tactics and stick in the heads of attendees for the significant future? We are always looking for fun or innovative ways our customers use our products and market their business and as usual this is another area we were not disappointed! Below are some interesting trade show tips real customers have used to make such a lasting impression.

Tip 1. Use Social Media

The team at Telnames stress the importance of telling fans and followers in social media far in advance that you will be present at the trade show.

They tell us, ‘don’t forget to utilize social media before, during and after you’re there; people who can’t attend might want to know what’s going on, and people who are there may also be following Twitter hashtags and swing by to see you.’

Creating a hashtag for your presence is a great idea and it can be promoted at the booth and on the T shirts of staff. Tweet about the interesting things you have going on at your booth, make your posts personal and engage with your followers one-on-one.

Tenames Tradeshow

The Telnames Team


Tip 2. Look the Part

Perhaps the most important point we can learn from Clothes2order customers; wear a uniform!
Creating a professional impression is vital and potential customers will be judging you on your appearance. This means wearing clothing with your brand displayed on it. It will visually distinguish staff from competitors and other attendees and show they are proud of the company they work for.

Tip 3. Create a QR code and put it on the uniform

You can create a T-shirt with your company’s name or logo on it – or you can take it one step further. Why not include photos, your URL or include a QR code! 

T Shirt QR Code

QR Code

Using QR codes on trade show uniform is the latest way to make it easier for people to contact you. Unsurprisingly some of our brilliant customers have been in on the secret for ages!

They generated a QR code and put it on uniforms. With the vast majority of people carrying smart phones to trade shows, users scan the code to ‘collect’ and store event information including exhibitor profiles, contact details, brochures, information and prizes.

Such a tactic will both help you generate leads from your trade show presence as well as give you a away to track results from the events.

Why not have a go?

And the final tip from our entrepreneurial community:

Tip 4. Don’t worry, be happy.

The team at Telnames tell us, ‘Hire positive, enthusiastic people who have the stamina to last a day with a grin on their face. It is important that they are able to comfortably talk to people as well as walk around the show, handing out discount cards exclusive to the show, which can be redeemed there or after, reinforcing your branding after the event’.

Remember your staff are the brands greatest ambassadors and need to be well trained and confident talking about what you do.

Do you have any tips we’ve missed?